There are three main parts to a full reading: a rose reading, a past life reading, and a 7-layer aura reading. After the information comes through there will be a chance for questions and/or a healing on 1 or 2 of the layers.
What follows is a short description of what you can expect for an in-person, online, or remote session.
In-person: Before we begin, I will get a sense of what’s going on by talking with you. If you have a particular issue (pain in your body, relationship or work issue, energetic block, etc.), you might briefly let me know why you’ve scheduled this session. We may also begin the session without a particular question. This is known as a “blind” reading. Once we begin the session, I will provide information conveyed from your Higher Self to mine. The information will come in the form of colors, symbols, images, and feelings. You will sit and listen with your eyes open taking any notes to help you remember any key details or for further questions. After the information comes through there will be a chance for questions and/or a healing on 1 or 2 of the layers. We will be sitting in chairs facing one another.
Online: The format for this type of reading will be the same as above except we will meet via computer or phone.
Remote: Before your scheduled session you are welcome to send me an email or give me a call so I can get a sense of what’s going on for you. This isn’t necessary though as your Spirit will let my Spirit know what you need to hear at any given time. I will record the information during your scheduled session and send it to you as an mp3. Download your reading right away and listen to it when you are ready. This kind of reading is unique because you might choose to listen the reading in segments rather than all at once. I save the recording for 30 days so if you want to keep the reading, be sure to download it when you receive it.